Kuinerrarmiut Elitnaurviat

Kuinerrarmiut (gwen-a-hog-a-mute) Elitnaurviat (lit-now-vat) (KE) is a K-12 school located in the Southwestern village of Quinhagak. There are approximately 200 students enrolled in the school and we have 37 staff members that service our students. 100% of our student population are Yupik Native Alaskans. We are the feeder school for students at our AVCP/Head Start program which predicts to populate our Fall 2025 kindergarten class with around 10 new students. Our students speak English and are learning to speak Yupik as one of our dual language goals is to keep the language alive. 

KE entrance

KE is a positive behavior support school which seeks to use restorative practices for behavior intervention, ensuring that students play an active role in their behavior intervention and seeks to build and maintain relationships through communication and reflection.  We have recently implemented a ticket reward system that includes “SOAR” tickets where students, grades K-12 are rewarded for appropriate behavior and can receive our monthly “SOAR” incentives. 

seahawk mural

KE uses the LKSD Best Practices to frame the rigorous curriculum and high expectations for all students.  Using the SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) model, KE provides opportunities for peer to peer and group interaction, incorporates strategies that differentiate instruction ensuring every student is served, uses student-centered learning which focuses on student generated work products, and provides educational experiences through project-based learning, KE continues to provide opportunities which seek to challenge and promote higher order thinking. 

class of 24 graduates

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